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All Rudraksh beads are energized by siddhi kriyas before shipment to get the most effective and fastest results. - Please contact astrologer Mohnish to get more details about it!


The 19 Mukhi Rudraksha is blessed by Lord Vishnu


Lord Vishnu blesses the 19 Mukhi Rudraksha. It controls the malefic effect of the planet Sun. It draws good fortune to the wearer and fulfills all material desires. It helps to sharpen business acumen. It ensures easy accomplishment of all tasks. It is the bead of good luck as it carries the dual energy of Maha Vishnu and the Sun. 


Presiding Deity: Lord Vishnu

Ruling Planet: Sun

Beej Mantra: Om Hreem Hum Namah


General Benefits: This Rudraksha is synonymous as the Janardhan Rudraksha. Janardhan is a form of Lord Vishnu. It attracts tremendous good luck to the wearer. It is the Rudraksha for complete material fulfilment. It gives keenly sharp business acumen and facilitates quick, easy completion of all tasks. It has tremendous capacity to tone down afflictions caused by planets. It reduces negative effects of evil eye and jealous adversaries. It is excellent for people who indulge in diversified activities, managing extremely large business establishments or law firms. The wearer of this bead experiences success in big work of any nature, politics, social event or any activity that involves diverse multitasking while living stress free.


Spiritual Benefits: This bead cleanses, balances and aligns all energy centres in the body. Like the infinite presence of Lord Vishnu or his ability to change form in different Yugas (dimensions of time). This Rudraksha bestows a stress free mind that can multitask. The success in both material and spiritual tasks is ensured. It strengthens the aura of the wearer. The malefic or malevolent forces stay away from the wearer. Thus he can enjoy material life and progress in spiritual practices unhindered.


Health Benefits: The 19 Mukhi Rudraksha is extremely effective for improving and strengthening eyesight and internal organs. It is good for stress control and the heart.


Disclaimer: All images shown are for illustration purpose only. Actual product may vary.
Information Source: Power of Rudraksh, Rudralife et. al

Nineteen Mukhi Rudraksh Bead - Nepal

  • AstralAstrologer Inc. Or Astrologer Mohnish takes full responsibility of the authenticity and originality of the rudraksh beads.

    All rudraksh beads once energized cannot be returned or exchanged. Please read the disclaimer on site to agree on the terms and the conditions.

  • All shipments within Canada are free for orders above $200. For International orders including USA, the standard FedEx or UPS shipping rates will be applied

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